Your dad painted the room and did a wonderful job! There are no dottys at all! I prepped the room for him and got everything ready. I wasn't allowed to tape though. His instructions for my contribution to painting..."Do NOT touch ANYTHING!!". Seriously! I got that text! You will learn later but I am just a terrible, no good, very bad, horrible painter. It's kind of scary.
On the topic of your Dad. He is been a.m.a.z.i.n.g. He has been helping so much!! He is constantly carrying laundry up and downstairs for me. He even cleaned pretty much the whole house when I was gone for a weekend. He washed (and bleached!) the sheets, took out the trash, did the dishes, cooked for himself, picked up. I could get used to this. :) He really is the best. I know he is excited about you!
You have been decently nice to me. We have had a few rough days but I know it could be much worse. We are rounding the bend here with the end of the first trimester a few weeks away. I am excited but also kind of sad that it is going so fast! Bittersweet! I'm enjoying every moment. Really! Thanks to Mary, I have been writing a ton of things down too so you and I will have memories of this special time forever!
Mister Niko had to sneak into one of the pictures! I think he is pretty excited too. :)
That is going to be one very special room for one very special baby! I love it!!