Phew we had a rough night last night. I had dinner with Jase and about 1/2 hour later I felt pretty sick. It was 76 in the house and I was shivering. I felt like my entire dinner was on top of my stomach and ready to come up at any moment. I got ready for bed at 7 and laid down with Jase until about 8 or 9. I finally fell asleep around 10 or 11 and slept off and on until 3. I woke up and stayed awake for about an hour and a half before I woke up again at 7. Luckily, I felt a lot better. I got ready and went to the baby expo with a few neighborhood friends. We had a blast! I got you a cloth diaper. I really think I am going to give it a try. Test it out. See how it goes. The savings financially is astronomical. Hopefully, the ease of it will be astronomical too. They made it sound so easy. :) I'll let you know how it goes.
The whole time we were there my mom and dad kept calling. They wanted to come over and hang the mirror. My dad and Jase finally got it up while I was being force fed by my mother who thinks I am not eating enough. Your Grandmother.
It's beautiful! Another Craigslist find! It's not completely finished yet. We have to find little decorative screws for the holes in all four corners. The lady who sold it to me is due next week with a little girl. She was super excited to see it gone and sold it to me for a great price. She actually dropped it off right at the back door of my work! Doesn't get much easier than that! Your Grandpa ensured that it was secured to the wall very well so it doesn't topple over on you. He even posed next to it so you can see his hard work. :)

a friend of mine uses "Fuzzi Buns" cloth diaper system and really loves it :) Also check out "Little G Diapers" AND there's a diaper service out of Noblesville I think that makes deliveries all over Indy and surrounding. Just google Indianapolis Diaper Service.