Anyways, check this out!! I have been searching Craigslist every single morning, every single day for months now for a glider. Today, I found the one! The lady posted it this morning at 9:30am. I called her at 10:30am and bought it at 11:30am! Lucky her, right? Lucky me! She was selling a glider that she had JUST bought at Godby Furniture for a fraction of the price. We're talking a SMALL fraction here. :) It still has the tags on it believe it or not. It's the exact color I wanted too! I bought it from her and shoved it into the back of my car. (I love my car.) My mom was with me just in case we were going to a shady location which we definitely did not. It was a nice lady who lived in a nice house in Danville. She was moving and couldn't take everything with her which is why she was selling it.
After we loaded up the car, we drove to Godby because I have read up time and time again on the internet that you **need** the ottoman. I was worried that I wouldn't be able to get one to match the chair or that the chair would even still be there. I figured if it was there, I would have to search the whole store. We spotted it before we even got into the store! It was sitting in the window. The sticker price was 699. Crazy right? Yeah. We talked to a lady working there and she brought out a catalog that sold ottomans. We found one that looked perfect for the chair and were even able to get it in the exact same fabric. Now, I thought it would be crazy expensive. I thought it would be much more than we paid for the chair. Turns out it wasn't! So in 6-8 weeks, we will have an ottoman to match.
I couldn't be more pleased with this purchase as you can see by the fact that I just wrote an entire blog about a chair. A chair. I have been looking forever though so it is a pretty big deal to me.
It's fun to think that in 6-8 weeks when we go and pick it up, you will be so much bigger! I will probably be showing too.
I am feeling much better as far feeling more normal goes. Not that it was ever bad. I have still been super tired and taking a nap every single afternoon around three. I think my body is more in the habit of that now more than anything.
Enjoy the pictures and we will talk again soon!
<3 Mom
That looks soooo perfect!!!! I can't believe you found it with the tags still on too:)