I jokingly call this my morgue ID tag. I hate when they put these on you. It's like assuming you can't tell them this info. I know, I know...it's for ID and all that and it probably is a really good thing but I still don't like the concept.
At about 10am the nurse came back in and said that we could go home. She said that my contractions were pretty sporadic and nothing really progressed while we were there so it wasn't really it. My blood pressure looked great. She also said that you, Ella, looked fantastic. No problems at all with you. They think it might have been bleeding from capillaries breaking when my cervix changed a bit.
I came home and did what I do best, took it easy. :) I ate some lunch, took a nice long nap and then took Mr. Niko to go get his shots. When I got home, Jase had dinner all ready on the table. He even did the dishes. <3
I'm still having really mild contractions that are just more annoying than anything. Luckily, no more bleeding. I might have to partake in a nice whirlpool bath seeing as how I have only used that thing 2 times since we have moved in. Shall I remind everyone of the last time I got into the tub??

Woops! I swear it was only a TINY bit of bubble bath soap. Swear!
Triage was a tiny little room. Hopefully when we go in for the real deal, we won't be in there too long. They had a TV but it was pretty small. We played with our cell phones the majority of the time. This is a picture of your dad trying to figure out why my breakfast tray wouldn't work like it was supposed to. :)
I realized that none of Nikos stuff is ready to go on the actual day. I got all his food and such ready tonight for his stay at Tail Waggers while we are in the hospital. He just loves it there! It will get him all nice and worn out for when we bring you home.
When the doctor told us to pack our bags she didn't realize that I am so ready for this and have had my bags and your bag in the back of my car for the last week. I wouldn't let Jase take the carseat though. I told him it was bad luck! We NEED to remember to bring our cell phone chargers when we go on the big day. We both ran our batteries down to about 50% while we were sitting there playing on them. I told Jase we needed to both download Monopoly so we could play over wifi right next to each other. He didn't agree. :)
Stay in there a few more weeks, give your daddy some time. :) I'm ready but I want to make sure you make it 13 more days at least so you are full term and don't have to spend any time in the NICU!
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