Let's talk about the shower! Holy cow, Ella! You are loved! 45 people showed up to my Grandma Patti's house for the "Shower of the Century" as your Grandma called it. We had tons of food. (Crudite, fruit tray, chicken salad, tuna salad, croissants, breads, cake and much much more). Everything, and I mean EVERYTHING was decorated with pink! It was so much fun! Patti rented chairs and tables. Jill, Claude, Olivia and I came the day before and helped set tables. We got all the tables organized to fit that many people in Patti's dining room/entry way. The day of, people just kept coming in. It was so neat to see so many people that I haven't seen in years. It was hard to talk to everyone but I did get a lot of talking in. Everyone is very excited to meet you! I opened presents for you in about an hour and fifteen minutes. I felt like I was doing at all at warp speed! :) I didn't want people to go crazy! We had pink punch and lullaby music played on the speakers.
One of Jason's coworkers, Gail, raises sheep. She also shears them and makes her own yarn. She made a beautiful blanket for you. I will not be allowing you to spit up on it so it will be more of a keepsake. :) Right now it is on the back of our rocker. It's beautiful. She even made it match the color and theme of your room. It's perfect. How often do you get a gift like that? It is so warm!
We got just about everything you could ever need. :) I promised myself that I wouldn't unpack or organize anything until thank you cards went out. I hunkered down the Monday after the shower and wrote all of them over many glasses of water and a good movie. :)
I then dove into organizing. First step was to save all the tissue paper. I pulled it all out of the bags and folded it. I then collected all the cards. You have quite the collection going already! After the cards I took everything out and divide it into categories of where it would go. (Bathroom, kitchen, clothes, diapers, toys etc.) Then came the fun part! I got to start putting everything away! I had to make a semi-emergency trip to Target to get more drawers for your closet. We can't have things haphazardly lying around. :) Everything is now on a hanger, in its designated drawer, hung on the wall, or wherever else it needs to be. It feels good to get things put away and put together. I did my first load of laundry tonight. Whites. I have newborn and 0-3 months in your drawers. Everything else is packed away for the very near future. :)
Jason's Aunt Theresa Hartly and cousin Jodi and Jenny got you BEAUTIFUL Anthropologie hardware for your dresser, nightstand and two hooks for your walls. I will do complete pictures of nursery in a few weeks once it is 100% done but here is your dresser. It's coming together so nicely. It's exactly what I had in mind before I even knew you were a girl. <3
We had a doctors appointment this week. It was another quick, in and out one. The best kind. :) Your heartbeat was 153. Staying strong! My blood pressure was 96/52...not so strong. The doctor didn't seem worried at all though. More reason to get salt bagels. OH!!
Okay anyways, the doctor said you are right on target as far as growth goes. She thought you were laying traverse but then she felt your head and said you were head down and probably just stretched out. I have officially caught up in weight gain. :) Haha! Right now I'm at 23 lbs. Yikes! It will probably start slowing down here because I really can't eat that much anymore without getting sick from it just sitting at the very top of my belly. It doesn't feel very good. I have been enjoying quite a few Big Macs which I never used to do before. That would explain a good ten pounds of that weight gain. :) It doesn't help that my mystery shopping pays for them but I do only go and get one when I have a shop. :) I don't eat them, I inhale them. We go back March 23rd for our next appointment!
I can't believe how fast time is flying. Only 7 weeks left and that is if I go to 40 weeks!
Lamaze is going well. This past Wednesday we talked about cesarean sections and what happens in the hospital after you are born. It was very informative. I must inform you that I almost passed out the week before this past class. We had an anesthesiologist come in to talk to us about the epidural. I was never afraid of the epidural but I never wanted to know anything about it. I just wanted the doctor to come in and do it when necessary. Well, she must have thought we were in medical school because, holy cow, she told us EVERYTHING. She showed us horrid pictures and talked about the whole process of putting the needle around. She even passed around the tube that stays in your back. About half way through this whole ordeal, I started sweating and getting extremely light headed. I was just waiting for someone else to walk out so I could follow. :) One girl finally left. I waited a few minutes and then left. I had to sit down and get some water. It took me a while to calm down! Funny story though because that girl was walking the hallways and saw that I was sitting out there. She came up and we started talking. She is actually due May 1st also! We had plenty to chit chat about while all the other medical students (heehee) were being subjected to epidural horror. :)
As it stands now, I want to labor as long as I can without the epidural. Get the epidural when I can't handle it anymore and then hopefully take a snooze before it's time to push! That's my ideal situation. We will see how that goes. Haha! I'm for sure not looking at the needle or anything else. They said that Jason does have to leave the room for it so that might make me a little nervous but I am sure I will be fine. My friend Christie said it was nothing at all and the IV actually hurt worse going in than the epidural. That makes me feel a lot better about it!
Kristen and I went to the Whale of a Sale today in Zionsville and I got you a super cute little, tiny pair of jelly sandals. They looks like little doll shoes. I also got you some little pink bow clips and a scentsy Pima Cotton brick. Okay, that might be more for me, but your room was the scentsy burner so you will be smelling it too. :)
I am going to have a lot more pictures to post on here soon once I get the shower pictures from Becca and Dana (our wonderful photographers), and the rest of the maternity pictures from Kiely (Natures Wonder Photography).
I am back to taking naps as often as I can get them. Jason captured this picture. Please excuse the ironing board, Starburst wrappers and lovely maternity pants. It kind of explains the series of events that happened just before I passed out. Niko is the best napping partner. :)
I will post many more pictures when I receive them.
Stay tight and grow for at least four more weeks Miss Ella!
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