I couldn't sleep the night before because I kept thinking about the shots I was going to get. I got myself all worked up and I completely blame your dad for it. Prior to him, I had never thought anything of shots. It's all his fault for even placing the idea in my head! :)
I took the glucose drink at 7:40 this morning. I took one sip, two sips...okay it wasn't so bad. It smelled like orange soda, it was cold. Sip three came...starting to get nasty. It was the consistency of cough syrup. I decided to chug the rest. That was a much better game plan. I could hardly taste it when I chugged it and it kind of just slid down the throat. Eck! Okay, step one was over! Yay!
I then went into the ultrasound room and had my ultrasound! Yay! That was the fun part. We got to see you again. The measurements were great. You are actually measuring one week ahead and you weigh 3 lbs. You are in the 64th percentile. Your heart beat was 140 and you still had the little echogenic focus on your heart. They are 100% not worried though and will do nothing else in terms of the dot. The best news is that my placenta has moved up! It was at 2.5cm and they said that they just want it to be over 2cm! Yay! You can now officially, and safely navigate your way out of me without massive roadblocks! :) You are also in the head down, ready to go position! Now, you just have to stay that way. :) The 3D ultrasound didn't work out so swell. The technician, Kina, who is fantastic, said that you want to get as much fluid in front of the object that you are wanting to see and your face was smashed up against my uterus so she couldn't get hardly any fluid in front of your face. Your dad is conviced that you have a bee sting on your cheek. :) I don't think a bee would be a very good friend to have in your temporary home for 9 months. There is one really good profile shot that we got of you! I now have 16 photos for my little brag book in my purse. Perfect!

Fast forward to 8:30am and we are now back in the doctors office. The nurse weighs me (total weight gain thus far 13 lbs, 7 lbs in one month woops! :) ), listens to your heart beat again (150 bpm now) takes my blood pressure (110/60) and calls the terrible, no good, very bad, blood drawing lady to come over and take my blood for the glucose test. I thought I was going to pee my pants, cry and die all at the same time when she took my blood. I have had my blood drawn a handful of times and it has never left a mental scar on me. This lady was brutal. It hurt so so bad. :( Let's just hope that those tubes of blood she drew say that everything is perfectly fine and that I won't have to have another single thing done by her!! Sheesh!
The exam with Dr. Hilliker went well! I was measuring right on as far as my uterus goes. We talked a little bit about my birth plan and she said to bring it on in when I get it done! No problems there. I start going to the doctor every two weeks now! Crazy how fast time in flying! I asked her how many tests we have since it seems like I have been having a lot recently. She said that we have just one more left which is a Strep B test at 36 weeks which is no biggie at all.
Then came the RhoGAM shot. Ha! I was nervous. Everyone on the What To Expect Forums was saying that it hurt bad! The nurse came in, told me to expose my back hip, stand up, and bend over on the counter...it already doesn't sound good, does it?? After my blood draw I had to think quick of a new plan of action for pain management. What did I come up with?? More pain!! Jase came around to the front side of me and pinched my finger as hard as he could so it would take my mind off the shot. He said that the nurse pulled the needle back like she was going to shoot a bow and arrow and slammed it into my hip! He said the needle was huge too! However, after all that, it didn't hurt nearly as bad as really any shot I have gotten. I think the more pain trick worked. It made my mind split up two pains to make both of them half as bad but somehow not combine to as bad as one. Get it? Nah, I don't either...but it worked. :)
Well, you have been kicking away all day. Perhaps it's a result of your Glucose drink this morning. I read online that it is 100 grams of sugar in 4 oz. Can you believe that? Woo!
Okay, it's nap time. Your dad and I are going to our very first Lamaze Class tonight at 6:30. One of 7 classes. They told us to bring a pillow, blanket and food (if we are hungry). Sounds like more nap time to me. :) Your dad isn't too excited to say that least but I am sure he will be just fine.
See you in 11 weeks! <3
What an informative blog. I am very excited after reading and seeing the photos. She is beautiful!!!