It's been a while since I have written. We have been in cruise mode with you just growing away. I remember my friend Maggie saying, "I feel like my belly is growing every single day!" at one point during her pregnancy. That comment in resonating through my head because I feel just like that right now. It's a great sign though and it reminds me of how much you are growing. It's continuing to get harder to get comfy at night and when I am sitting or standing for a while. I have been a lot more lightheaded recently due to all the blood going to you. Totally worth it!
Only 29 days until your shower where all friends and family will gather to celebrate YOU! I've invited 76 people. Woops! My fault. :) Your Great Grandma Patti is throwing it and she is going ALL OUT! I can't wait to show you all the pictures of it. She has already told me a lot about it and it sounds like it's going to be a blast. She even sent out save the dates!
Your Grandma and I went to register at BuyBuy Baby. It was pretty crazy. They have everything you need and more for a baby or toddler. I bought you this cool nipple attachment that screws onto a water bottle so you always have fresh water when we are out and about. Pretty cool, yeah? I am afraid I will have so many of those cool little trinkets that I will forget to use all of them. :)
I made a dress to wear to your shower. I thought the fabric was a little more stretchy than it actually was so I am going to have to make another dress. You see, you are in my belly, but you being in my belly begins very very high up so you have increased all my belly measurements greatly. :) No worries though, it is a super simple and cute dress. I will make another one for the shower and save the one I just finished for my post baby, StrollerFit body. They actually have classes that you start six weeks after you are born where I exercise with you in the stroller! How fun! I just hope it still sounds fun when it is actually time for it!
About two weeks or so ago you decided that it was time for an all out dance party when I laid down in bed to read. Your dad got to see it which was pretty cool. You were flying all over my belly, kicking, jabbing, punching, rolling. I have never felt you move that much before and still haven't to this day! I can hear your heart beat now with the cheap monitor that we bought a long time ago at Walmart. It's usually in the same spot, pretty low but it's very distinct now.
We are only 85 days away from May 1st! I'm still not nervous about labor and delivery. I'm more excited than anything. I'm excited to meet you and become a Mommy! I just finished my second hospital gown and I also made a little tiny pair of bloomers to go with it. Yes, I will be that super cheesy mom at the hospital. I figure I will wear the hospital gowns that I have made the two days we are in the hospital after you are born. I hear they will get pretty messy so they are pretty much just going to be thrown out at the end of the day. They are definitely hospital gowns in that they open in the back, and they have a button and Velcro at the shoulders. The pattern even had an option to add an opening for a heart rate monitor. I didn't add that because I'm hoping that won't be necessary. :) They are definitely hospital gowns, not all that cute but better than what the hospital has!
We have decided that Niko is going to be boarded as soon as we leave for the hospital and stay there to play with his friends and get totally worn out for when you come home. We are going to have someone pick him up and bring him back before we get home so he doesn't feel like things changed while he was away. We want to bring the baby into his territory, not bring him into his territory after the baby is already there. He's going to love you. It's going to be great.
We have scheduled our maternity shoot with Nature's Wonder Photography. February 20th! I'm excited but still a little unsure. I have seen so many maternity shoots that I didn't like. They can get very very cheesy. I felt like I would want them done though so I didn't have you and then wish later on that I would have them done. I also have your newborn pictures scheduled with her that we will get done in the first week or so that you are born.
Early this week we had a huge ice storm. It is a skating rink outside. Literally. Our neighbor was outside with ice skates skating on his back yard. I have never seen anything like it. Niko has hated going outside because he can't keep traction. I was stuck in the house for three days and was going stir crazy! My mom and I finally got out for a few days and it was sunny and beautiful. I had big plans to go to a party my friend was hosting this morning. I got up and started to get ready and realized it was snowing like crazy! We probably got 4-5 inches of snow. Now we have all the ice and then tons of snow on top. I'm ready for spring. Anyways, the point of the story is that your dad thought I was going to have to walk on the ice to get to the party I was going to so he made the wheels start turning in his head and he modified a pair of shoes for me that you can see in the picture below. :) He has forbid me to walk on the ice due to my clumsiness and the fact that I have already fallen twice in this pregnancy. I'm not even allowed to get the mail! It really is that bad.
On Wednesday February 9th we go to your 28 week appointment. I'm excited! It's going to be a very involved appointment. I go in at 8am and drink the dreaded orange glucose drink. Then I go to the ultrasound room and get another ultrasound done to make sure my placenta has moved up. The technician told us during our twenty week exam that we would be able to get a few 3D shots. That will be fun! I'm so excited to see them. I then scurry over to the doctors office (same building) and have my 28 week exam. Then I zoom back over to the lab where they will draw my blood at 9am exactly and also give me the lovely RhoGAM shot in the butt cheek (ouch!). I might need a few cookies from Paradise Bakery after that one! :)
I started writing my birth plan. By started I mean that I have the first draft all the way done. I'm pretty excited about it. I think this whole pregnancy, labor, delivery and after is going to teach me to be more assertive...starting with my birth plan! My chiropractor (who is wonderful by the way) let me borrow a book called "Creating Your Birth Plan". She also printed off hers to let me see what one looks like. I used both of those tools, the movie "The Business of Being Born", previous research and talk with friends that have been through it to create mine. I debated on putting it up here or not but I figure I will since this is a blog to Ella and anyone I wouldn't want seeing it, isn't reading this blog anyways. :)
Our Wishes for Birth
Due Date: 05/01/2011
Patient of Dr. Catherine Hilliker, M.D.
Scheduled to deliver at IU Health North Hospital
My husband and I have compiled this list as a guide to how we would hope that our labor would go. We understand that if there are any signs of fetal distress things could and should change. Please keep us both informed of anything that is going to be done every step of the way. Our biggest hope is that there is open communication between everyone involved.
• I wish to be able to move around and change position at will throughout labor.
• I would like to be able to have light food and snacks throughout labor.
Labor Augmentation/Induction
• I do not wish to have the amniotic membrane ruptured artificially unless signs of fetal distress require internal monitoring.
• I would prefer to not use any sort of medicine to speed along the labor unless there is a definite need.
• Under no circumstance should I be given Cytotec.
Anesthesia/Pain Medication
• I would like to have a standard epidural.
• Unless absolutely necessary, I would like to avoid a Cesarean.
• I would like my husband, Jason Pantello present at all times if my baby requires a Cesarean delivery.
• I wish to have an epidural for anesthesia.
• If my baby is not in distress, my baby should be given to my husband, Jason Pantello immediately after birth.
• I would like to have my baby placed on my stomach/chest immediately after delivery.
Immediately After Delivery
• I would like to have my husband, Jason Pantello cut the cord.
• I would like to hold my baby while I deliver the placenta and any tissue repairs are made.
• I would like to have my baby evaluated and bathed in my presence.
• I plan to keep my baby near me following birth and would appreciate if the evaluation of my baby can be done with my baby on my abdomen, with both of us covered by a warm blanket, unless there is an unusual situation.
• I do not want a routine injection of Pitocin after the delivery to aid in expelling the placenta unless medically necessary.
• I plan to breastfeed my baby and would like to begin nursing very shortly after birth.
• Unless medically necessary, I do not wish to have any bottles given to my baby (including glucose water or plain water).
• I do not want my baby to be given a pacifier.
• I would like to meet with a lactation consultant.
Thank You!
Stephanie Pantello________________________
Again, rough draft. You get the idea though.
Well, I will be posting again very shortly with some super cute pictures of you and all sorts of news from the doctor. I can't wait!
Happy 28 Weeks!
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