The only followers of your blog thus far are your Grandparents. Surprised? Don't be. They love you a lot. :)
Not much has been going on. No news is good news, right?
I have been feeling a little off. Again, nothing too bad. I just would rather curl up with a book all day than clean, do laundry, go to work, water the plants etc. I'm giving in a little but not too much. I'm hoping for that energy turn around in the second trimester (which is only 4 weeks away! holy cow!).
I have a rough few days at work coming up (Monday and Tuesday). There are a lot of banquets, so I have a lot of prep. With not feeling so great recently, I am not looking forward to it.
You're dad is getting a little bit more excited about you every day. The other day he said that he got excited for the first real time when he realized that he will be buying a football for you so you too can play catch (assuming you are Enzo and not Ella). :) He also wrote me a note in his lunchbox that said that we get to hear your heartbeat in five days. He asked me if I was excited. :) I think he is. I drug him in the Baby Gap today at Keystone Mall. He found some superhero shirts on the way out and said "I wonder what Baby E's favorite super hero will be?!" He is dreaming!
I'm dreaming like mad too, almost too much sometimes. You create some pretty odd ones in my head. I picture you sitting there with your Picasso palette painting scenes in my head all night. :)
Last night I kept waking up because of my crazy dreams, I had to pee, or I was sweating like crazy! Me being hot...yeah...never happens. Needless to say, I slept until noon and I feel like I'm ready for another nap right now.
When we were in Philadelphia, we went to a casino called the Trump Casino. We spent 5 dollars and I played the slot machines. I won 90 dollars! I had found an umbrella stroller on the Friday before when I was wandering around while Jase was working. I fell in love with it. After we got back to your dads work, I took my 90 dollar winnings and bought you your first set of wheels. Pretty sweet, eh? It looks kind of lonely in your room, not for long!
Speaking of your nursery...ha! Let's talk about it. It's not looking pretty. I realize I have pretty much forever to get it ready (well 7 months) but at this rate, I feel like it could take 7 years. Paint...sheesh. I never had such a problem with the other rooms in the house. Too dark, too light, too yellow, too bright, too purple, too dim...I find every excuse in the book to not like a color. I'm pretty set on grey right now. Nothing fancy. I want something simple. Here is what we have now...yikes.
What's that you say, clothes at the bottom?? Already?? Surely you know your will learn if not. :) I have three rows set up. Girls on the far right, boys in the middle and unisex on the left. They are set up in piles based on size. Newborn, 0-3, 3-6 etc. Get excited! We might just go bankrupt when I find out if you are Ella or Enzo. :) No, I have to be good.
I have also been stocking up on diapers since we started trying for you back in April. Crazy right? I don't think so! I have a pretty good stock of Pampers Swaddlers Newborn, 1, and I am working on size 2. Of course, what I think of as a pretty good stock, a seasoned mom would probably laugh at. :) I think I have 10 packs of each. Roughly 38 a pack. That's 380 in case you haven't learned multiplication yet. :) I'm sure that's enough for newborn but I know I will need more for 1 and 2. The diapers are in the bins and there are a few other things for you on top of the bins and next to them.
Did you like your tour de nurseryo? Yeah, me either. It needs work.
Dad approved of your crib today in the store. He confirmed that it was sturdy enough. :)
We are off to go watch the ND and Michigan game at our neighbors house. She is pregnant too. 23 weeks I think. She is having a little boy. I bet you two will be great friends!
Your first appointment is this coming Wednesday the 22nd. Woohoo! I'm excited!
Chat later!
<3 Mom
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