What a big day this was! I'm going to try and re-live it one more time for you to hear and then I am going to b.e.d. I am exhausted from being so busy all day, the big appointment this morning and telling people the big news!
Let me get some good music going...okay better.
Your dad and I got up pretty darn early and drove to the hospital, Clarian North, where you will be delivered. We were super early but they let us check in and get started early.
We started with the Ultrasound. Ouch. Nobody told me it was an internal ultrasound. :-/ That's all I will say about that. It was totally worth it though. We got the most awesome picture of you! We saw your heart flutter and head it beat. Most amazing thing ever. Your dad held me head the entire time so I could watch the screen to see you. Not sure anything has ever been as cool as seeing you up there. Suddenly, everything felt more real. More solid. More exciting. There you were, up on the screen, inside of me! Holy cow!

The first thing I asked the lady doing the ultrasound was if she saw just one baby! I was so scared there would be two! Yikes! She laughed and said I had to give her a second and that she was just getting started. She said you had a great, strong heatbeat at 164 bpm. You are almost 2 cm long. So so tiny. It's hard to believe how much you will be growing in the next 7 months. Leaps and bounds.
We had an appointment with the financial team after that. Everything is still really fuzzy and I am sure it will be until the end. They were only able to tell me about the costs of my actual doctor, not the fees associated with the anesthesiologist, pediatrician or the actual hospital stays. I did get the general idea though. Expensive. :) Once again, totally worth every penny of it.
We chatted with the nurse practitioner. She asked us tons of questions about family history, our history and so on. She took my vitals and did a pelvic exam. 108/60 and 90 pulse. I've lost one pound but she said not to worry, totally normal. She gave me an entire bag full of handouts, books, magazines, vitamins, and coupons. She answered all of questions with ease. She was great! I also got the note that I need to start prenatal exercise classes and yoga at the church. Yay!
Your dad got the shakes when I got my flu shot done. He HATES needles. Sweats just watching me get one. Little does he know, he will be getting one soon. Right dad?? He also has to get vaccinated again whoopin' cough and a few other things. He is not going to be a happy camper but I-Am-Sure-He-Will-Do-It-For-You. Right dad??...((nudge, nudge))
Right after that appointment we went back to the ultrasound office and had my blood drawn and did a urine sample. At that point, I was trying to think if there was any other tests that they could possibly do! Hopefully those results will come back soon. They took three vials. Super easy process.
Here is a wonderful picture of your dad holding all of the paperwork that they kept handing me. It went from my hand to his. :) He was a trooper the whole time. We weren't allowed to take pictures, video or use our cell phones in the rooms or during the ultrasound. I snuck this one in right before we left.
Jason drove me to Paradise Bakery where I met up with my mom for lunch while he continued on to work. We had a great lunch and then started our journey south to Greenwood. We have been planning this trip since we started trying for you. Buybuy Baby! Remember that stroller I was talking about??? I saved up my pennies. I ordered it today!! Super super excited. It's going to be transferred in from a store in New Jersey. It's just too cool to keep in stock here. :)
Your Grandma bought you a super cute hat for winter that looks so warm. I want one! We tried out the gliders and bought some hangers. She couldn't stop talking about you. I would have to tell her to stop talking because I was about to call someone. She would be quiet for about 10 seconds and then something would pop into her head about that baby and she would start talking again! So excited!
I just love that store! Word on the street is that they are opening one up in Castleton but it won't be open until this time next year. It will still be handy!
E, I don't think you will understand until you get pregnant or your wife gets pregnant (I'm about to sound like my mom here...yikes) but this is soooo cool! There is nothing like it. Really. I'm thrilled, excited, and exstatic. It's such a fullfilling joy. It's not fleeting like the joy you get when you buy a pair of shoes or a purse that you have had your eye on. It's life changing. It's forever. It lasts and lasts. Such a wonderful, wonerful joy.
You're big revealing day is December 15th. Making the paper chain as we speak. :) 8:00 in the morning!
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