Wow little Ella! We are almost through our 31st week! Time is flying again! It really has never slowed down.
Today, I gave in and finally cleaned up the yard from a full winters worth of Niko's droppings. Ack! I can't believe how something so simple can make my body feel like I have run a marathon. Every muscle aches with every step. It will be very nice to crawl into bed tonight. :)
I am starting to enter the wonderful deep, productive sleep stage of the third trimester. When I fall asleep at night, I sleep like a rock. After 30 weeks of getting up at 2, 3, 4am I can finally sleep peacefully through the night and wake up refreshed. I know I can't get used to it though since it will probably be gone in a few weeks when I get really uncomfortable. It will definitely be gone when you get here...:) I will just enjoy what I can now.
I had my 30 week appointment and all was well. Your heart rate was 156 bpm. I think you got a little excited because I stole all the diaper coupons from the magazines in the waiting room. :) I have found the BEST way to get diapers. Amazon. I got 15% off for being in their moms club 15% off for signing up for a subscription to get diapers every so often (which you can cancel right after your first box comes) and 20% off with the coupon. I also get free overnight shipping on them since the plant they come from is in Plainfield. It's fantastic. They are, by far, cheaper than anything I have found around here. Yay!
We got our maternity pictures done! I'm going to wait and post this blog post when I get all of the pictures in. We took tons. I was really hesitant to do them because I had seen so many cheesy ones but now I am glad that we did do them. The photographer was great as is going to be the one who does your newborn pictures. I can't wait for those. She has some super cute props! Jase touched you for the first time in all these pictures. I'm glad we got to capture it with a professional photographer. Maybe it was worth waiting for. :) I was trying to tell you to kick him but you never did! You were as still as can be when he had his hands on you. I'm sure you will get him when you arrive.

Lamaze is going great! Jase had to do an exercise to carry all the weight that I am carrying with you. It was pretty funny. We did a lot of hands on massage techniques and just general relaxation techniques in our last class. We also got to see the labor and delivery rooms where were very nice. We stay in there 2-3 hours after you are born and then it's up to the 4th floor for recovery. Next week we get a tour of everything else and we get to talk to an anesthesiologist.
I have a chiropractor appointment tomorrow. I think she has helped me so incredibly much to be comfortable during pregnancy. I don't believe that I will ever go through a pregnancy without chiropractic care. I have had very minimal to no back pain, hip pain or round ligament pain. Let's just pray that the rest of the pregnancy is as uneventful and smooth as the first chunk.
I got my gluecose test results back and my blood sugar was 69 one hour after the glucose drink. The doctor said I definitely passed. Good thing after all that blood work pain drama! Sheesh!
The good news is that there are no more tests besides the Strep B test which isn't bad at all (or so I hear). :) I think I can make it through that. Then labor! I'm still excited, not nervous at all. I think Jase is actually going to be great. He always pulls through and never lets me down. He is a star player in Lamaze class. I feel like he knows a lot about birth and will know exactly how to help me. In case he doesn't, I am going to make him a list of helpful things for me. :)
The baby shower is in 10 days! I remember when it was 60 days away! Feels like yesterday! We are at 43 people now I believe. I feel loved! :)
Well, happy growing until the next post!
Jase says that I am considered far along at 32 weeks because that is 8 months. I think 31 weeks but I keep changing that number. Now that I am 31 weeks, I feel like it's more like 35 before I am far along into the pregnancy. :)
Okay, back for more. I have some pictures! Niko and I were working on distinguishing between his toys and your toys for the first time last night. He is not doing too well. He really, really, really likes your stuffed animals. He could care less about all the other kinds of toys. He is particulary insterested in Mr. Snuggs which was the bear and I had when I was little. :)
I purchased a sterling silver lamb charm from an artist on Etsy to represent you. I have done gone with the lamb theme since I was first pregnant so I decided to get a little reminder to wear of you! I also like that it is a Christian symbol. It's very sweet!