Ella Ruby Pantello
Oh how excited I am!
I was 99.9% convinced you were going to be a boy. I had actually already thrown (literally thrown) every girl thing out of your room the night before. I was that convinced. Imagine my surprise when I found out you were a little girl. I nearly fainted! Your dad said, "Oh boy..." I think he knows he is in trouble now. :)
We left our house at 7am and got to the appointment right at 7:45am. We ran into traffic and had to go a different way than usual. We sat in the waiting room for what seemed like eternity. I had to drink 20 oz., 30 minutes before the appointment. Needless to say, I had to go to the restroom really badly and I was so excited I was nervous and felt sick! They finally called us back and we got all ready to take a peek at you!
I got a few pictures in the ultrasound room of me. Cameras and videocameras are not allowed so I had to sneak them while the tech was out of the room. (By the way, the tech was FANTASTIC and I am definitely going to request her next time.) The first one is of me before and the second one is of me after the ultrasound. I look a bit happy, yes?
You were beautiful! (Well, as beautiful as a 2D ultrasound can be) :) She took tons and tons of measurements. We were prodding around from probably 30 minutes. At first I believe you were sleeping. Your head was right on top of my bladder and you would't move. The ultrasound tech actually poked you and moved you around a lot and you finally starting squirming all over. Your dad was shocked at the amount of sudden and quick movements that you did. He was not expecting that at all.
We got tons of great pictures!

We are going to go back at 28 weeks for another ultrasound where we will get 3D or 4D pictures as well! Exciting! They want to check a few things in the heart and make sure that my placenta moves up up up where they want it to be.
I started feeling you two weeks ago. I never felt the butterflies. It seems to be more like big hunks of food moving through my system. The first two times I have felt you out in public with noise is at church when we were singing with loud music and at Scotts show with really loud music. Other than that, I feel you mostly at night when I lay down and you are most active. I felt the strongest kick yet while I was reading in bed. It made me put the book down, put my hand on my belly and smile.
Your dad was been FANTASTIC so far with the pregnancy. He is still carrying the laundry basket up and downstairs for me. It's great! He was telling me yesterday that I shouldn't be hunched over and that I should be in perfect posture all the time so I don't scrunch you. How cute!
I went on a little bit of a shopping spree for you today. I spent under 100 but I had to buy some cute pink clothes for you. So far, I have gotten a few items from The Childrens Place and Old Navy. Both are very cute and resonably priced.
I can't recall if I have posted this or not but I did have one downfall in the pregnancy so far. I was making Jase french toast...which I hate to begin with (something about soggy bread). I had just finished drinking a glass of grape juice and was starting on my Kashi cereal with blueberries. I brought the french toast up to Jase in bed and all of the sudden didn't feel so well. I told him that I thought I was going to throw up and I walked rather swiftly to the bathroom. Purple grape juice went all over the toilet. Nice, right? The joys of being pregnant. Although, if that is the only problem that I have (and only once) bring it on!
I still haven't been craving anything crazy that I know of. Fruit and veggies always sounds good. No emotional swings up or down. You can verify that one with your dad. I'm totally not worried or nervous about birth. I'm really just excited!
It's time to start making the nursery girl oriented! Bring on the pink!
We had a sex party tonight to announce that you were a girl. You can see a picture of the playing cards below. We had weiners, meatballs, deviled eggs and tacos. Everyone counted how many were of each and then we added them up and whichever gender specific food there was more of was the gender of the baby. :) Then Jason announced the name and every one cried. Okay not everyone but my mom did for sure. :) Thank you to Olivia for hosting the party and coming up with all the wonderful ideas!

I'm sure there is a lot more that I want to tell you but I can't think of it all right now. My mind is kind of a blur from all of the happenings today! I will be updating more in the future. I felt that I needed to really wait until the 20 week appointment for this one big post!
Maybe I will leave you with a belly picture. This is me at 20 weeks. Getting bigger!
See you in 19 weeks Ella!
Ella is going to be a beautiful girl, just like her Mommy.
ReplyDeleteAHHH! I cannot believe the GREAT news! It is so exciting! I passed the news along to my mom, and she was just as ecstatic! Little baby Ella, we cannot wait to meet and see you :)